26 March, 2008

Friends Confirmed into the Church at Easter

At the Vigil Mass on East Saturday, a homeschool parent whom we have come to know was confirmed into the Catholic Church. It was a very nice service, and amongst the witnesses present were her two daughters, who had been received into the Catholic Church just last year.

After the service we congregated in the church hall to share a late supper and offer personal congratulations to Tracey and her family.

(please excuse my abyssmal photography ... sigh)

Awesome Nature Studies/Science Resources

I've discovered an amazing place to obtain information and resources from to enhance science studies (botany, biology, zoology, etc) - it's the Nature Education Centre Inc. I'm so fired up to do some nature studies now!

You can hire/buy all sorts of amazing things for home science, e.g. axolotls, caterpillars, cockroaches (ugh), cellar beetles, daphnia (?), earthworms, dunnarts, plains mice, spinifex hopping mice, finches, frogs, guinea pigs, hermit crabs, huntsman spiders, mice, blue tongue lizards, bearded dragon, cunningham's skink, gidgee skink, geckoes (3 kinds), sleepy/stumpy tail/shingleback lizards, rabbits, rats, scorpion, spiny leaf insects, tortoise (3 kinds, mealworms, planaria (?), silkworm eggs, ant lions, pond snails, garden snails, tadpoles, yabbies, amoeba, bacteria, etc.

And that's just the critters!

You can also buy/hire all the equipment to go with them, e.g. tanks, cages, food, feeders, information sheets, incubators, microscopes, and all sorts of accessories.

And then there are plants, geological specimens and fossils, preserved specimens (ugh), books and poster, and educational kits, etc.

You can also visit the Nature Education Centre to see the animals and learn about them - if you book ahead an NEC Education OFficer can conduct a hone-hour talk between 10am and 2pm weekdays.

Or you can book an Education Officer to come and visit instead.

If you want a copy of their catalogue then you can contact the the centre as follows:

Nature Education Centre Inc
39 Osmond Tce, Norwood, SA 5067
(on the campus of Norwood Primary School)
Ph 8363 0238, Fx 8362 0102

12 March, 2008

Wildlife at home (and not just the kids!)

Wow, we were so excited ... well, actually it was my husband and sons (I mised out) ... when they were on their way out the driveway and suddenly saw a goanna scuttle across it! John leapt out of the car and followed it with his mobile phone camera to get a shot to prove he wasn't going to be telling tall tales!

We've also seen blue tongued lizards in our front garden.

On our dirt road frontage we've also seen bearded dragons sunning themselves from time to time, too.

What a treat to see such creatures in the real 'wild'!

(the blue tongued lizard is the first photo, and the young goana is the second one)

09 March, 2008

What an Angel!

I know Christmas has long passed by, but I couldn't help wanting to share this beautiful photo of our boy, James - it was taken at a local fair where one of the churches had 'nativity dress-ups' with a photographer on hand. I just want to stare at this photo all the time - it's amazing how angelic he looks.