06 June, 2011

A long time between drinks ...

Hi folks

Well, it's been a long time since I last posted - life has taken some twists and turns that we hadn't planned on, and that have taken quite a while to accept and get used to.

In December 2010 we had to sell and move from our beautiful old country house on 5 semi-bush acres and move to a township block further north.  We were very sad to leave our secluded property but, as we are still in a country town, all is not lost.  Fortunately the township has proved to be reasonably quiet and friendly, too

Another enormous change has been that our homeschooling journey has come to an end (at least for the time being) - the stresses and uncertainties of the lat 18-24 months have played havoc with my health as well as the overall well-being of the whole family, so the very difficult decision was made to put our boys into school.  I am praying that by the end of the year various factors will have improved which may enable one or all of the boys to return to homeschooling.

In the meantime I have been filling some of the empty hours through the day with my new hobby, which is patchwork quilting, and am hoping to be able to make items to sell as an aid to our poor financial position (excuse the pun!).

All we can do is focus on the positives in order to move forward, and hope that these new directions lead us to a better place in life.



Anonymous said...

Hi Marina,

I was looking at the blog roll on Adnil Press' site and I stumbled here. I wish you and especially the boys well in your new season. Thank you for your encouragment and mentor ship over the years especially when I was starting out. I hope you keep writing!! My blog is well neglected and I just have not had the heart to delete it :). Might pick it up someday.

Karen Redolfi
aka Karen in Melbourne from CM and Friends usaoz89 and An Extra Ordinary Life blog on Homeschool Blogger.

Susan (HomeGrownKids) said...

Hi Marina,
If I were the crafty type I would love to get into quilting. I totally appreciate and admire the quality workmanship that goes into all things like, quilting, embroidery, stitching, etc. I simply don't have a crafty bone in my body. That's okay - because I appreciate it, I'll buy it - helps keep someone in business. LOL